Incoming: DRESSES “Blew My Mind” (via SideOneDummy)

Magic Moment Monday: Andy hangs with 30 Seconds To Mars (August 2002)
April 14, 2014
Premiere: Marya Stark “CROSSROADS” Music Video
April 15, 2014

Heads up to all the mixtape-makers out there readying your official Spring soundtracks: Get to know rising Portland, Oregon-based duo Dresses; their recent single, “Blew My Mind,” is a perfect contender for track ONE. The band pen an exquisite blend  of sweetly layered melodic pop music that packs an emotional punch, making them one of the most exciting new bands of 2014.  “Blew My Mind” is the musical equivalence of pure warm weather delightful-ness. What could be more appropriate this time of year? Expect a lot more from us about this Dresses throughout the season.