Duprai Marcel “My Baby”

Duprai Marcel
“My Baby”
Add date – 3/22/2024

About Duprai Marcel

Having years of experience in a field will only make someone a well-rounded, professional career. For Duprai Marcel, he was engulfed in music since he was a young child. Spending time listening to his mother control the sounds of a choir to hours appreciating R&B tunes on his cassette gave him all he needed to create his own sound. Like a high-class chef, he took the ingredients he was given and what he knew, but added his twist, which resulted in a steaming pot of his delicious, soulful voice and lyrics in his newest hit “My Baby.” Take a step back in time in his way of giving back to the genres and community that shaped who he was.

About “My Baby”

In “My Baby,” Duprai is longing for a loving connection that pays him back in all that he does. With a simple guitar riff, piano, and some hand-produced percussion, Duprai can tell a multi-layered story with just a few elements. His small instrumental and vocal group produces so much power, allowing the listener to feel every morsel of the emotions he is feeling. He tires himself to make sure his relationship stays afloat, but often his partner makes him feel like it is sinking. He is so in love with her, that all he could ever dream of is being treated the way he treats her. He questions his commitment, but the mystery of his baby is what makes him want even more. Although he experiences pain and sadness, he cries for her in this deep tone of voice.

About the “My Baby” Music Video

The “My Baby” video is crafted as a black and white, 2D, film noir illustration following the murder of a young woman. Duprai is set as a detective trying to piece together the accusations and suspects in this thrilling story led by his song. A beautiful woman is shown as the lead singer of the “Kit Katt Club” having multiple love interests including a mayor and a mobster. Sharing intimate moments with both men through dances and drinks, the woman is mysteriously killed, with Duprai having to discover the killer through evidence. To spoil the ending would be sinful, so it is a must to watch this video to see the unthinkable twist as to who the killer is.

Want more from Duprai Marcel and HIP Video Promo?

We’re so stoked to be working with our cherished client Duprai Marcel once again to get the word out about his brand-new “My Baby” music video! Thank you for considering it for your programming and online presentations, it is very much appreciated. For more info, or if you’d like us to send some Duprai Marcel merch for contests and giveaways, reach out to the HIP Video Promo team at 732-613-1779 or info@HIPVideoPromo.com. To keep up with “All things Duprai Marcel“, follow them on Instagram @DUPRAI & TikTok @DUPRAI234.

For more info on past Duprai Marcel videos, click HERE.