Where are they now? Former HIPster Spotlight: Joe Chyb

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Joe Chyb

We’ve been fighting the good fight here at HIP Video Promo for nineteen years now, and no one can do that alone. Since HIP formed back in 2000, we’ve had the pleasure of working with some truly amazing, talented, hardworking people here at HIP HQ. Most of us come from a musical background, and many of our former HIPsters have gone on to continued success in the industry, whether that’s making music, working at a venue, working at a label, or any other avenue that they’ve chosen to take.

Our first former HIPster spotlight is on Joe Chyb, who worked at HIP from 2005-2006. He’s continued to immerse himself in the music world and is currently the General Manager of The Wonder Bar, a beloved venue in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Below, Joe answered some questions for us about his memories of HIP and how he got to where he is today!

Joe Chyb


What are you up to these days?

I left my role as Director of Marketing at Degy Entertainment in December of 2018 to become General Manager of The Wonder Bar here in Asbury Park. This was an absolute honor to say the least. I’ve worked and managed my share of bars/clubs/shows/events, but to take the wheel at this place (where I met my wife after opening for DRAMARAMA BTW!), it’s been awesome! That coupled with a new house and the birth of our amazing, gorgeous beautiful baby girl Magdalena (or “Shuggy Boogie” as we mostly call her) have kept me moving to say the least. After a fun couple years playing drums with some old friends in a long over due project we always wanted to do (The Vice Rags), I had to hang up the cymbal bag. Nothing permanent, but is what it is.

What are the best aspects of your current position?

This answer took me a minute… I’d have to say the best thing about my position is the ability to affect change and help people. Giving touring bands a stop to play for people and get a good meal for a night, doing benefits and raising money for good causes, giving people a job where they can make a decent wage, provide for their family and enjoy coming to work every day…. That’s by far the best part of my job.

It’s been said that in the entertainment industry, “experience is a hard teacher: she gives the test first, the lessons afterward”. What hard lessons have you learned to arrive where you are now?

Man…this is so true…. I never forget the words of Bobby Albert Jr, the owner of the (real) Court Tavern. The guy was a HUGE reason for New Brunswick becoming the music scene it was (was). Anyway, I could go on about my days in New Brunswick, but like I said, I never forget what he said to me one of my first days working at his club “Joe people fucking suck, remember that and you won’t be disappointed…” As an inherently optimistic person, I try to remember this, because whenever I forget it, I’m reminded of it… I think for someone new in the game or climbing the ladder (or whatever) you need to be confident in yourself and your ability and taste, work hard, take criticism, be true to yourself remember what matters most to you and work towards that.

What do you remember best about your time working at HIP Video Promo?

Easy answer! My day getting to choose the music in the office (CDs at that time). AND, going to the post office with like a million packages and having the guy behind me give me that look…. HAHAHA But aside from that, I loved writing band bios, RIYL’s and all that type stuff.

Who were some of the bands and artists you remember promoting?

Gnarls Barkley, Eagles of Death Metal stand out in my mind, Cut Copy, The Libertines (hahaha I just remembered the cover art for a band we worked called “Goblin Cock” hahahha, look it up!)